Excalibur Roofing communication objective is to get you to use their roofing services, they do this by giving answers to your questions and urging you to contact them for an estimate.
The structure of the site is the standard top to bottom left to right. The Logo and contact information is the very first things on the page. Followed by the navigation bar where the information is structured in a very logical way. First the Company describes a little about itself, then a little about what they do. Then they list several options that you might choose that fits your needs. The company follows with convincing you with how good they are with photos of completed work and testimonials. Lastly they give you their contact information.
Excalibur's contact information is clearly emphasized. They also show their certifications and affiliations on the sidebar. This shows that they are qualified to answer questions you might have and urging you to contact them.
The Theme is simple the content consists of blocks that resemble structural elements like pillars or a foundation. The colors are very soft blue, which is calming and inviting.
I have learned the emphasis of the goals that the company is trying to communicate. They want you to know who they are and how to contact them, as well as showing off their credibility.
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