Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blog Topic #7: Net Neutrality

Save The Internet

What Net Neutrality means to Me
(and You)

If the Internet did not have open access requirements then Internet Service Providers (or ISP's)
would be able to control the lines that the internet runs through, they would be able to limit access of certain users, limit bandwidth of certain users and choose which types of media they want users to view. AT&T would be able to block it;s users access of say VOIP services, thus forcing them to purchase their own services.

Network Neutrality is the idea that all persons have a level playing field online. Everyone has the right to have the same chance as everyone else. If you started a software company and wanted to sell your software online. You have a similar chance as other more established companies. But if your provider limited your bandwidth users might find it painful to navigate your site, thus choosing another software company.

The winners will be those that stand to control the internet (AT&T, Verizon, ComCast, Time Warner Cable) as well as those already established corporations (Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, SunMicro Systems) that can afford to pay for the selective service. What if your software company offers better software at a better price, but can not afford the steep selective service fees.

The losers will be the average person, (You and Me) who not only will not have a chance to enter the marketplace of the more established businesses, but we will not be able take advantage of others great work.

Do you like using VOIP services like Skype, which is much cheaper than traditional phone service? Do you like using peer to peer communications easily sharing information with?
These service are likely to be greatly affected or even shut down. Services like Internet radio, podcasting, multimedia applications, video blogging, and Internet TV stand to be totally monopolized.

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