Monday, October 26, 2009

Blog Topic #3: What is RSS?

What is RSS?
RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a technology whose general idea is instead of going to same websites to see if they have been updated, bring the update to you.

How is it useful and/or being used? Saves time, bandwidth and disaapointment of a site not being updated, hehe.

How can you use the RSS feed to track updates to your fellow student's blogs?
Although you could use Googles Follow or Freinf Connect button, you could also copy the url and add it to your subscriptions.

What's an aggregator?
An RSS aggregator (aka RSS Feed, RSS Channel, RSS Reader) is a program that checks all of your websites and organizes the new reults for you. Saving you the time and bandwidth of checking and visiting these sites.

Youtube - Lee Lefever - He explains it very well, even my parents can understand him.
Software Garden - Straight forward answers

I personally use Google Reader, but there are many choices out there.

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